Registered Games
229 records total
Name | BGG Num | Description |
3-6-9 (ID: three69) |
32597 | This is a simple game of shared pieces where forming lines of 3, 6, or 9 pieces in length wins you points. When the board is full, the player with the most points wins. |
55Stones (ID: five5stones) |
22792 | 55Stones is a one-rank Mancala game from Germany with simultaneous movement and perfect information. Players try to capture the most stones. Draws are not possible. |
Abande (ID: abande) |
21324 | Abande is an original abstract game of connected pieces. Place or move pieces and stacks to generate the highest score you can whilst always keeping the board connected. Both the orthogonal and hexagonal versions have been implemented. |
Accasta (ID: accasta) |
9060 | Accasta is an abstract board game for two players. Influenced by Dr. Emanuel Lasker’s Lasca and Wladyslaw Glinksi’s Hexagonal Chess, I tried to achieve a clean and original game using stacks and a hexagonal board. |
Adaptoid (ID: adaptoid) |
51195 | |
Afrika (ID: afrika) |
27936 | This modern mancala game has several unusual features: capturing is compulsory, capturing is considered a complete move, and capturing occurs when you have an empty hole. Forced moves and sacrifices are the keys to success in this game. |
Akron (ID: akron) |
10889 | |
Alak (ID: alak) |
12153 | Alak is a close relative of the board game Go played on a one-dimensional “board”. It was originally described in A. K. Dewdney’s 1984 book The Planiverse; in 2001, Alan Baljeu modified the game to its present state. |
Alemungula (ID: alemungula) |
This game is in the Mancala family of games and is played by the Wetawit in Ethiopia. | |
Alfred’s Wyke (ID: wyke) |
37584 | Two player game where one plays the Builder, the other the Destroyer. Square tiles are place in 2×2 plots on a 4×4 grid. The object of the builder is to build up a set of two-story 2x2x2 “houses” (four in a row, four square or a majority) while the destroyer is trying to create the same array of empty plots. On each turn, the players select from a one-out-of-five tile placement or removal set (one on each of five different plots, one on each of one and two on one; two on two, three on one and one on one; four on one). Only three are available on any turn, as a player cannot pick one set that has been placed in the previous two turns. Once a plot is completely built or torn down, it is claimed by a player. The first player to claim four plots in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), four plots in a 2×2 square, have four more plots than his opponent, or to have claimed seven plots anywhere wins the game. |
Alien City (ID: aliencity) |
20623 | Alien City is a fascinating Piecepack/Icehouse game that is set in the far future and concerns the building of a city on a newly colonized world. Cities in this future contain two types of structures, towers and domes. Towers are owned by the various guilds. Domes are smaller structures used to house the citizens. As with the towers, domes are always with a particular guild.
The game-play consists of the players alternating turns, placing a tower or dome each turn until either all available towers and domes have been placed or until there are no legal construction sites remaining within the city. Then scores are determined based upon the relative positions of the towers and domes. |
Alta (ID: alta) |
40658 | Alta is a two-player abstract board game invented by Dan Troyka in 2002. This game is a member of the connection game family, including such games as Hex, Metamorphosis or Talpa. |
Alternator (ID: alternator) |
41049 | |
Amazons (ID: amazons) |
2125 | The game is played on a square grid. Each player starts with four queens (as in chess queens) placed in predetermined locations on their side of the board. On a players turn, they move a queen and then fire an arrow from that queen (the arrow piece moves like a queen also). The space that the arrow lands on creates a permanent block on the board. Arrows can not be shot through queens or arrows. The first player who can not make a legal move (move a queen and then shoot) loses the game. |
Anglo American Checkers (ID: checkers_eng) |
2083 | |
Anti-Reversi (ID: reversi_sui) |
This is Reversi with the opposite win conditions from normal Reversi. | |
Archimedes (ID: archimedes) |
18698 | When Roman ships attacked Syracuse, the mathematician Archimedes showed the soldiers of Syracuse how to focus the sun’s rays with their shields on the wooden ships, causing them to burst into flame. The game Archimedes is inspired by this legend. Players destroy enemy ships by focusing imaginary rays on them, while trying to invade the enemy port. Destroyed ships, though, can be rebuilt later. |
Aries (ID: aries) |
27726 | Aries is a game of pushing and shoving your way to your opponent’s corner. Pieces move like Chess Rooks and can push opposing pieces off the board or into allies. The first person to occupy their opponent’s corner wins! |
Arimaa (ID: arimaa) |
4616 | Arimaa is a challenging game designed to be hard for a computer to beat. In Armiaa, you attempt to get one of your 8 rabbit pieces across the board before your opponent does. |
Armenia Checkers (Tama) (ID: tama) |
45755 | |
Ataxx (ID: infection) |
16928 | |
Atoll (ID: atoll) |
34221 | |
Attangle (ID: attangle) |
24525 | Attangle is an abstract stacking game for 2 players. This last game concludes Dieter Stein’s Stacking Game Trilogy. |
Attract (ID: attract) |
27723 | Attract is a simple game in which pieces are placed on an initially empty board and they attract the pieces around them. Clusters of pieces in a certain formation are winners. If at any time one player has more winning formations than their opponent, they win! |
Avalam Bitaka (ID: avalambitaka) |
9092 | Avalam Bitaka is a game of building towers and trying to control the most at the end of the game. Avalam Bitaka was a 1998 Mensa Select. |
Backgammon (ID: backgammon) |
2397 | |
Bagh Chal (ID: baghchal) |
315 | Tigers try to jump and capture 5 goats, while the goats try to trap the tigers. |
Bao (ID: bao) |
14186 | Bao is a sowing game that is played on the coasts of Tanzania and Kenya. Bao is a complex multiple lap sowing game played on a board of four by eight holes. Players capture all of the pieces in your opponent’s front row or immobilize (by leaving only singletons) all of your opponent’s pieces to win. |
Bashni (ID: bashni) |
36550 | |
Blam! (ID: blam) |
17765 | This is a game of pushing and shoving where you attempt to shove opposing pieces off the board and into your treasure stash. The game allows for 2-4 players (though only 2-player games are rated) and supports the <i>Overloaded</i> variant, where pieces exert a force equal to their strength. |
Bohnenspiel (ID: bohnenspiel) |
39271 | |
Branches, Twigs, and Thorns (ID: btt) |
17298 | Branches and Twigs and Thorns (or “Barsoomite Go”) is an elegant little strategy game for two or four players that uses Icehouse pieces. It is a turn-based game, unlike Icehouse or IceTowers; and there is no luck involved. Like Martain Go, it uses a chessboard, a set of Icehouse pieces for each player, and a collection of tokens (at least ten per player). Players seek to build chains of pieces of their own color and to force their opponents to branch off from opposing pieces of their opponent’s colors, which results in a penalty determined by the sizes of the pieces involved. |
Breakthrough (ID: breakthrough) |
3825 | Breakthrough has an extremely simply ruleset. Pieces move like Chess pawns and attempt to reach the opposite side of the board. The first to do so wins. |
Byte (ID: byte) |
19360 | Byte is played with either a Standard or International Checkers set. It is not a variant, but a unique and robust alternative. Over the course of the game players create stacks of pieces. When a stack of 8 is formed, the stack is removed from play and the person who owns the top piece receives a point. The player with the most points at the end wins! No draws are possible. |
Cam (ID: cam) |
This is a smaller version of the game Camelot. | |
Camelot (ID: camelot) |
5251 | This is the standard version of Camelot released by Parker Bros. Cam is a smaller version of this game. |
Cannon (ID: cannon) |
8553 | Cannon is an elegant 2-player game of war. Soldiers attack an enemy city using individual prowess and cunning formations. This is a commercial game; hand-made copies of which can be purchased at the publisher’s website. There also exists the <a href=”” target=”_NEW”>Cannon Game Database</a> where past games can be studied. An AI opponent is also available. |
Captain’s Mistress (Four in a Row) (ID: captainsmistress) |
2719 | Players alternate turns dropping checkers in a one of multiple columns in order to create a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of your pieces in a row to win. The public domain name for the game is “Captain’s Mistress”. However, this game has been sold commercially with names such as: Connect Four, 4 in a Line, 4 in a Row, and Four to Win. |
Caravaneers (ID: caravan) |
40097 | |
Cascades (ID: cascades) |
27724 | Some words from the author: For some time now [Apr 16, 2001] I have been toying with the idea of trying to model/abstract the flow of water carving out a mountainside. A related geometric pattern is the fractal on certain seashells. […] The image in my mind is a root-pattern forming or tributaries of a river. […] The game generalizes to any MxN board. Without more experience playing and “figuring it out” I don’t know how M and N affect playability. My intuition suggests 8×8 (really 8×15 if you measured it at the bottom) is already nontrivial and 10×10 might be “tournament”. |
Castle (ID: castle) |
This is a simple game of trying to occupy your opponent’s throne while protecting your own. | |
Castle Danger (ID: castledanger) |
6995 | Castle Danger is a 2-player, turn-based strategy game. Each turn, a player gets to add another piece to his or her side of the board, move pieces, and shoot cannonballs at the opponent. Who will hit the other’s King first?
This is a commercial game available for purchase from the designer’s web site. |
Cephalopod (ID: cephalopod) |
22790 | Cephalopod is a Mark Steere game that uses dice as the primary game component. The goal is to fill a board of various sizes with as many of your dice as possible. This is complicated by a capturing mechanic that keeps the board in constant flux. The game ends when the board has been completely filled. As with most Mark Steere games, draws and ties are not possible in Cephalopod.s |
Chain Lightning (ID: chainlightning) |
72312 | Chain Lightning is a two-player abstract board connection game played on a Go board that was invented by Andrew Juell in 2010. |
Changgi (Korean Chess) (ID: changgi) |
5400 | Korean Chess (Changgi) is like Chinese Chess (Xiangqi). |
Chase (ID: chase) |
316 | Chase is a very unique game of movement and capturing. It may not be elegant, but it is certainly fascinating. You’ll have to play it to understand. Prepare yourself for a real brain-burner! |
Chess (ID: chess) |
171 | This is the classic game of checkmate. |
Chess Cards (ID: chesscards) |
19253 | Chess Cards is a strategy card game with a strong chess flavor. The rules were developed by Edward Lovett from the game Mate found in Gamut of Games. |
Clobber (ID: clobber) |
23864 | |
Complica (ID: complica) |
7476 | This is a Connect-4 style game played on a narrower field and one whose columns never fill up. |
Connect6 (ID: connect6) |
22847 | You win Connect6 by getting 6 stones in a row. |
Conversion (ID: conversion) |
31489 | This is another dice game with some allusions to Cephalopod. One attempts to promote one’s own pieces and convert their opponent’s to fulfil one of a number of victory conditions. |
Copolymer (ID: copolymer) |
23447 | Copolymer is an ultra simple Mark Steere game for two players. A printed paper board, a pen of one color, and a pen of another color can be used to play. Any honeycomb patterned grid with an odd number of cells can be used, such as the regular hexagonal board used here. Players take turns coloring in cells on the (initially empty) board, at least one cell per turn. Once the board is full, the player who has claimed the most cells wins. |
Corn Maze (ID: cornmaze) |
Cross-Kalah (ID: crosskalah) |
Crossway (ID: crossway) |
30517 | Crossway is an edge-connection game in which opposing pieces may not cross each other. Draws are not possible. |
Dameo (ID: dameo) |
24698 | |
Delta (ID: delta) |
26340 | Delta is another 4-in-a-row game with an interesting movement/placement mechanic. It’s fast-paced and aggressive. |
Diagonals (ID: diagonals) |
Similar to 3-6-9, you score points for completing diagonals. The person with the most points when the board is full wins. | |
Diagonals2: Line of Sight (ID: diagonals2) |
This is an interesting game of territory claiming. Movement is done via spawning in diagonal directions and pieces are not captured, but transformed into walls. | |
Diffusion (ID: diffusion) |
22326 | Diffusion is a mancala game created by Mark Steere. Each player owns a block of pits and wins by emptying their block. As with most Mark Steere games, draws or ties are not possible in Diffusion. |
Diffusion v2 (ID: diffusion2) |
Dipole (ID: dipole) |
29491 | Dipole is another excellent Mark Steere game and is played with either a standard or international draughts set. The object is to eliminate all of the opposing pieces through direct capture or attrition. Draws are not possible. |
Dots and Boxes (ID: dotsboxes) |
33462 | Dots & Boxes is a territory claiming game played on a grid of points. In the game, the player claims boxes by enclosing them to also gain another turn. The player who claims more boxes than his or her opponent wins. |
Ecalper (ID: ecalper) |
83787 | Ecalper is a two-player abstract board game played on a hexagonal board that was invented by Matteo Perlini in 2010. |
Elasta (ID: elasta) |
13335 | Elasta is a simultaneous movmement game where one tries to push the battle-line to their opponent’s ground. Players distribute their forces across the columns to determine movement. |
Emergo (ID: emergo) |
14438 | |
Entropy (ID: entropy) |
1329 | Entropy is a 2-player game representing the struggle between Order and Chaos. The Order player tries to organize their board in such a way to score the highest amount. Chaos, of course, attempts to thwart Order whenever possible.
This implementation provides a simultaneous environment where each player has their own Order board. Each player places a piece on their opponent’s Order board and then makes a move on their own board, both players acting as both Order and Chaos. The player with the greatest score wins! |
Epaminondas (ID: epaminondas) |
7338 | Epaminondas is an elegant 2-player game of soldiers. The object is to start your turn with more soldiers on your opponent’s home row than he has on yours. The primary movement mechanic is similar to the one seen in Cannon, namely by moving rows of pieces called phalanxes. This is a tremendously simple yet deep abstract that is sure to satisfy. |
Euclid (ID: euclid) |
The capturing mechanic here is similar to Quadrature. When forming squares with your King and a Soldier, you capture opposing pieces. Destroy the enemy forces before they destroy you. | |
Fanorona (ID: fanorona) |
4386 | Fanorona is the national game of Madagascar, and it is believed to have been derived from the game of Alquerque. Alquerque is a game played in Arab countries, and archeological finds in Egypt suggest that it may date back more than 3,000 years. Alquerque could have been brought to Madagascar by traders and developed into Fanorona in the 17th century or even earlier.
Fanorona is a really intriguing board game. It has a long history, but it doesn’t belong to a family of similar games like chess, draughts or mancala. Like Go it is a real one-off, with a unique method of capturing. |
Fission (ID: fission) |
30213 | Fission is a game of mutual destruction. The idea, though, is to keep at least one of your guys left standing in the end.
Variants include: ‘Random Start’ which randomizes the starting position and ‘Losing’ which inverts the victory conditions. |
Flume (square grid) (ID: flumego) |
67080 | Mark Steere’s game of Flume that is normally played on a Go board. |
Focus (ID: focus) |
789 | One may move stacks of pieces as many spaces as pieces in the stack. Once stacks become higher than 5 pieces, the bottom-most pieces are captured. The last person able to move a stack wins. |
Forms (ID: forms) |
Forms is a game of isolation where you attempt to force your opponent to capture all of your stones. | |
Fortac (ID: fortac) |
17762 | This is an abstract stragegy game for 2 players. The idea is to form 2 different formations using a custom set of cards to dictate movement options. This implementation also includes the <i>Extreme</i> variant which requires all 4 formations to win. |
Fox and Geese (ID: foxgeese) |
10213 | Fox and Geese is believed to have originated in Scandinavia. It is an asymmetric hunt game in which a larger number of non-capturing pieces attempt to immobilize a much smaller number of aggressive pieces that may capture by multiple short leaps. The fox player wins by capturing all the geese, whereas the geese player wins by trapping the fox. |
Fox and Hounds (ID: foxhound) |
Frames (ID: frames) |
Freedom (ID: freedom) |
Freedom is a two-player abstract board game played on a square board that was invented by Veljko Cirovic in 2010. | |
Gate (ID: gate) |
Generatorb (ID: generatorb) |
18728 | Generatorb is 2-player game played on a standard chess board. Players start in opposite corners and attempt to reach their opponent’s generator core or occupy the majority of cells on the front line. |
Go (ID: go) |
188 | Go originated in China, and is over 2000 years old. Its strategic complexity and simple rules have been reasons for its longevity. Go is played on a 19×19 grid, but is also playable on a smaller board. In Go, players place their color stones (either white or black) in an attempt to surround more territory than their opponent. |
Gomoku (Five in a Row) (ID: gomoku) |
11929 | Gomoku is a game involving being the first player to place five of their pieces in a row to win. It is traditionally played with Go pieces (black and white stones) on a Go board (19×19 intersections). |
Gonnect (ID: gonnect) |
12146 | |
Gorgon (ID: gorgon) |
63620 | Gorgon is a game of attrition where you attempt to deprive your opponent of any moves by slowly petrifying their pieces. The Gorgon board wraps around, so pieces exiting the far edge re-enter at your home row. |
Gounki (ID: gounki) |
8548 | Using strategy and careful thinking, be the first to get through your opponent’s lines and place one of your pieces beyond the other side of the board. |
Grand Chess (ID: grandchess) |
30596 | Grand Chess is Christian Freeling’s Chess variant on a larger board involving Marshall (moves like a Knight and Rook), and Cardinal (moves like a Knight and Bishop) pieces. |
Grand Hex (ID: grandhex) |
62406 | The goal of Grand Hex to create one group of your pieces connecting both of your sides and one of the opponent’s side. Players can also win by creating two groups of pieces, each of which connect both of your opponent’s sides and one of your sides. |
Gravity (ID: gravity) |
Gravity is another 4-in-a-row game but one in which placed pieces gravitate towards the edges of the board. | |
Grim Reaper (ID: grimreaper) |
30994 | This is a game where two populations compete for survival. Pieces have gender, can mate, give birth, age and die. The game is won by the player whose population lives longest or who connects two sides of the board. The longevity of pieces gets around the diagonal cut problem of playing a connection game using a board with squares. This has been solved elsewhere by going into three (physical)- dimensions, – here the extra dimension is time. The unusual theme of the game keeps it fun whilst also enabling considerable strategic variety and depth. |
Groups (ID: groups) |
30332 | The goal is to move all your pieces such that they are all orthogonally adjacent to each other. First person to do so wins. The game is like Teeko (form a pattern without capture) meets Lines of Action (connect all pieces). |
Guard & Tower (ID: guardtowers) |
22219 | Guard & Towers is a stacking game where the goal is to either capture the opposing Guard or take over the opposing fortress by placing your guard on your opponent’s starting square.
This game is available commercially from Clemens Gerhards ( They do very nice editions indeed, with what appears to be metal bits. |
Halma (ID: halma) |
38950 | Halma was invented in the late 19th century by George Howard Monks, and was inspired by an English game called Hoppity. This is a bidirectional race and arrangement game in which both players try to be the first to occupy all of the opponent’s starting spaces. Pieces move one space at a time in any direction or advance more quickly by short leaps over any other pieces. |
Hanniball (ID: hanniball) |
Hanniball is a two-player soccer-like abstract board game that was invented by Christian Freeling in 2009. The game involves the use of horses and elephant pieces. | |
Harzdame (ID: harzdame) |
45764 | |
Havannah (ID: havannah) |
2759 | |
Hawalis (ID: hawalis) |
42246 | |
Hex (ID: hex) |
4112 | Hex was discovered in the middle of the twentieth century within a 5 year period in Europe by Piet Hein and the United States by John Nash. Hex is played on a hexagonal grid, where players try to be the first to connect their two sides of the board with a chain of their pieces. Hex is the most well known and popular of the connection family of abstract strategy games. |
Hexellation (ID: hexellation) |
Hexxagon (ID: hexxagon) |
19914 | Hexxagon is a two or three players variant of Ataxx (Infection) except that the game is played on a hexagonal board. It was invented by Abraham Edlin and Jason Blochowiak and released as a PC game in 1993 by Software Creations. |
Hippos and Crocodiles (ID: hipposcrocs) |
51197 | |
Hnefatafl (ID: hnefatafl) |
2932 | Hnefatafl is a member of the Tafl family of games, and is played on an 11×11 board. Tafl games are a family of abstract strategy games that originated from northern Europe. This family of games is unique in that the game consists of two sides, each with uneven sides (piece counts and types), and different objectives. The side with less pieces attempts to escape their king, which stars in the center of the board off the board (corner or edge), while the opposite side attempts to stop them. |
Homeworlds (ID: homeworlds) |
14634 | Homeworlds is an abstract space exploration game for the Icehouse game system. This implementation allows for 2-4 players. The standard end-of-game condition is Last Man Standing but a variant also allows the game to end when you eliminate your left-hand oppoonent. Specific details regarding this implementation can be found on the wiki. Any ideas for expansion and variation should also be discussed there. |
Impasse (ID: impasse) |
6493 | Impasse is another excellent Mark Steere game. Played with a standard checkers set, players attempt to bear off their pieces. A player who is deprived of any moves is said to be at an <i>impasse</i> and is rewarded by bearing off. This is a tense and exciting game with no draws possible. |
India (ID: india) |
This is a stacking game in which the goal is to get a 1-stack to the opposing side. | |
Intermedium (ID: intermedium) |
8215 | Intermedium is a game of stacked towers that move along the diagonals attempting to surround their opponent’s stacks and ultimately capture their city. |
International Checkers (ID: checkers_int) |
26952 | |
Ithaka (ID: ithaka) |
32526 | Ithaka is a game of shared pieces where one attempts to form a line of any given colour or of course stalemate your opponent. |
Jeson Mor (ID: jesonmor) |
37917 | |
Kalah (ID: kalah) |
2448 | |
Kauri (ID: kauri) |
36734 | |
Kechi (ID: kechi) |
Have you ever watched one of those adventure movies where people are fighting on a rickety rope bridge? As they move, more and more of the bridge breaks and falls beneath them… Well, in those scenes, I found the inspiration for a board game! Players take turns moving and attacking each other on a more and more dangerous board! | |
Ketchup (ID: ketchup) |
68199 | This game was invented by Nick Bentley. The object is to end up with the largest group of stones of your color. The catch is that the player with who doesn’t have the larger group places an additional stone per turn. |
Kingdom (ID: kingdom) |
Kingdom is a game in which you attempt to capture the opposing king or occupy his throne. Your pieces consist of stacks of fixed sizes that may jump over enemies according to certain rules. | |
Knight Moves (Razzle Dazzle) (ID: razzledazzle) |
21479 | In this fast-paced game, suggestive of basketball meets Chess, two players try to move their marble to the opposite side of the board, using 5 wooden “blocks” as passing instruments. A player may either pass the ball or move a block like a Knight in a game of Chess. The ball may be passed in any direction but the block with a ball may not be moved. It is competitive, it is strategic and it is quick. So get ready to razzle-dazzle your opponent.
Both the standard and tournament rules are implemented. |
Konane (ID: konane) |
8122 | Konane is an old two-player board game that was invented by the ancient Hawaiian Polynesians. |
Laska (Lasca) (ID: laska) |
6862 | |
Liger (Riptide) (ID: riptide) |
A game like Checkers by Mark Steere. | |
Linear Progression (ID: linearprogress) |
19052 | Linear Progression is a 2-player game of territory control where as your pieces move, they claim the spaces through which they travel. The winner will control the most spaces on the board when the last space is filled. A ‘Blocked’ variant is also available which introduces special pieces through which no other piece can move. One additional board layout is also provided in which the center 4 cells are rendered impassable. |
Lines of Action (ID: loa) |
3406 | Pieces move based on the number of pieces along a line of movement. The object is to gather all your pieces in to one connected whole. |
Linkage (ID: linkage) |
41149 | |
Ludo (ID: ludo) |
This is a variant of Pachisi that uses a single die, instead of two dice. More details on it can be found here: |
Lynx (ID: lynx) |
47206 | Lynx is a two-player abstract board game resembling Dots and Boxes that was invented by Dan Troyka and Cameron Browne in 2004. This game belongs to the connection game family, including such games as Hex, Metamorphosis or Talpa. |
Macadam (ID: macadam) |
17848 | This is a basketball-style game where one tries to score a goal against their opponent. |
Mad Bishops (ID: madbishops) |
This is a game by Mark Steere involving the use of Chess Bishops who must capture an enemy bishop, or position to threaten one every turn. Player who eliminates all enemy bishops wins the game. | |
Magneton (ID: magneton) |
16778 | This is another game for 2 players. Players place their pieces in an attempt to connect four in a row. The problem is, as pieces are placed or moved, they exert magnetic forces on surrounding pieces (likes repel, opposites attract) thus the lay of the land is in constant flux. It will take planning and foresight to succeed.
I have implemented a “Weak Force” variation which will only attract/repel other pieces one space at a time, instead of as far as possible. |
Mak-Yek (ID: makyek) |
Mak-yek is a board game played in Siam and Malaysia (under the name Apit-sodok). It is a game of custodial capture. An ‘Edges’ variant is available that uses the edges of the board in captures. | |
Martian Chess (ID: martianchess) |
19803 | Martian Chess is another Icehouse game created by Andy Looney. It is a chess-like strategy game in which location, rather than piece color, determines which pieces you may move. Like Chess, each type of piece has its own way of moving, and you capture by moving onto an opponent’s square; but unlike Chess, you can only move pieces sitting in your own quadrant, and only attack those in other quadrants which may include your own former pieces. The game ends when someone runs out of pieces, and the winner is the player who captured the most points. A variant called ‘Of Knights and Kings’ changes the way Pawns and Drones move to create a very different strategic game. |
Master Y (ID: master_y) |
This is a version of the Game of Y with slightly modified rules to resolve first-player advantage. | |
Mastery (ID: mastery) |
11474 | Mastery is a unique and original chess-style game designed by S. John Ross. It uses only 3 piece types but allows for the temporary control of opposing pieces under certain circumstances. Two starting layouts are implemented. The goal is to either remove your opponent’s masters, or to remove all the other pieces. |
Men Row Chess (ID: menrowchess) |
This is a chess variant that includes a row of pieces that move like normal Checker pieces and promote to Checker Kings. | |
Metamorphosis (ID: metamorphosis) |
40934 | |
Mind Ninja (ID: mindninja) |
31082 | In this game for two, the players invent a pattern, and then one player tries to build it while the other tries to prevent him from doing so. It is played with stones of two (or more, optionally) colors on any tiled surface. |
Mirador (ID: mirador) |
65822 | Mirador is a connection game which can be played straightforwardly on graph paper, by marking out a 27 x 27 square and using colored pens to indicate the placement of 2 x 2 squares (on most graph paper the units would be 1/2 CMs) to represent watchtowers.
This game involves several elements that make it unique: line-of-site, graded placement, and the ability to use pieces placed by opponent to place their own pieces. |
Momentum (ID: momentum) |
73091 | Momentum is a two-player board game invented by Phil Leduc in 2010. |
Morabaraba (12 Man Morris) (ID: mills12) |
29080 | |
Mosaic (ID: mosaic) |
A game by Mark Steere. | |
Murus Gallicus (ID: murusgallicus) |
55131 | |
Neighbours (ID: neighbours) |
Neighbours is a game of stalemating and blocking. The first person to have no moves left loses. | |
Neutreeko (ID: neutreeko) |
3319 | |
Nine Man Morris (ID: mills) |
3886 | Nine Man Morris is a game involving two phases of placement and movement of pieces, where players seek to form Mills (three pieces of their own in a line) in order to remove an opponent’s piece from the board. Nine Man Morris was popular in the Roman Empire, where it originated. It saw heightened popularity in Medieval Europe. Nine Man Morris is also known as Nine Men Morris, Nine Men’s Morris, Mill, Mills, Merels, Merelles, and Merrills. |
Numeri (ID: numeri) |
Numeri is a game of neutralization. Replicate stacks of pieces in an attempt to neutralize any one class of opposing stacks. | |
Numica (ID: numica) |
17763 | This is a game of capturing for 2 players. The game is interesting in that the board is different every time. Try to capture 3 of any one of your opponents piece types, or 4 opposing pieces in total. This game has great potential for variation by adding different tiles and piece types/powers. Post your suggestions on the Wiki!
This implementation is currently testing <b>B</b>ishop and <b>R</b>ook tiles. Pieces on these tiles can currently move like the chess piece but cannot capture. |
Omega (by Andrés) (ID: omega) |
81588 | Omega is a 2-4 player abstract board game played on a hexagonal board that was invented by Néstor Romeral Andrés in 2010. |
Ordo (ID: ordo) |
41006 | Ordo is a “get to your opponent’s home row” game in which you must always keep your pieces connected. Pieces can move singly, but also as a group in certain situations. |
Othello (ID: reversio) |
2389 | Othello is the trademarked name of a game derived from Reversi. It is a territory game in which every played piece must custodially capture an unbroken string of opposing pieces that then change ownership. The rules for Othello were created by Goro Hasegawa in the early 1970s, and were developed and marketed with the assistance of James R Becker.
Othello is differs from Reversi in its initial set up and how the game ends. Othello ® is a registered trademark of Anjar Co. |
Oust (ID: oust) |
30936 | Oust is played with a Go set. The board starts out empty in Oust, and the object is to capture all of your opponent’s on-board stones, a paradox. Draws and ties cannot occur in Oust. |
Oust (hex board) (ID: ousthex) |
This is Oust on a hexagonal board. | |
Oware (ID: oware) |
28302 | Oware is the one of the most well know versions of games in the Mancala family of abstract strategy games. The Mancala family of games involves moving and sowing stones in pits, in order to capture stones controlled by a player’s opponent. Oware is also played throughout West Africa and also the Caribbean. |
Pachisi (ID: pachisi) |
2136 | |
Pah-Tum (ID: pahtum) |
28128 | Pah-Tum is an ancient game which is played on a 7×7 grid. An odd number of cells are then marked as unplayable. The players then take turns placing a piece until the board is full. Points are scored for the longest lines of pieces. The one with the most points wins.
This implementation will randomly mark 5, 7, or 9 random cells as unplayable. A pie rule is also implemented to balance out possible first-move advantage. |
Palisade (ID: palisade) |
30518 | Palisade is a game of territory capture using a Go board. Draws are not possible. |
Particle Bond (ID: particlebond) |
75957 | Particle Bond is a two-player abstract board game invented by Corey Clark in 2010. This game is a member of the connection game family, including such game as Hex, Crossway or Chain Lightning . |
Penguin Soccer (ID: penguinsoccer) |
30760 | It is a truth universally acknowledged that everybody loves seeing penguins sliding around on the ice. And soccer is the world’s game, right? So take some cute families of penguins, give them an icy soccer field and a ball, and watch the slippery goodness that ensues. . . |
Pentalath (Ndengrod) (ID: pentalath) |
51401 | Players take turns placing a piece of their colour at an empty cell. After each move, any same-coloured groups with no freedom (i.e. no adjacent empty board cell) are captured and removed. A player win by making a line of five or more pieces of their colour. |
Pente (ID: pente) |
1295 | This is the modern classic game where you win by either getting 5 in a row or capturing 5 sets of 2 stones. All games rated under this, follow the current tournament (Pro) rules involving restriction in initial piece placement. You can see more details on this here: |
Pente (Basic rules) (ID: pente_basic) |
1295 | All versions of non-tournament play Pente are rated here. Included in here are the out of the box play without the initial piece placement restriction found in the tournament Pente, also tracked by IAGO. For rules to Pente, see here: |
Period 5 (ID: period5) |
Period 5 was invented by Daniel Shultz in 2010. In the game, the object is to get pieces the player has on 4 different colors and the neutral cube on the fifth color. | |
Pex (ID: pex) |
39288 | |
Photonic Attack (ID: photonicattack) |
37002 | This is a game of transformation where the goal is to have the most pieces on the board when the game ends. |
Phutball (Philosopher’s Football) (ID: phutball) |
25433 | Phutball (short for Philosopher’s Football) is a two-player board game described in Elwyn Berlekamp, John Horton Conway, and Richard Guy’s Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays.
It is a soccer-esque game for 2 players where you attempt to get the ball across your opponent’s goal line. |
Phwar (ID: phwar) |
17588 | Phwar (short for Phase War) is an abstract game of war for two or three players. The board is a hexagonal grid of hexagons. Each player owns four negative particles (electrons), four positive particles (positrons) and one neutral particle with zero charge (neutron). Aim: The game is won by the last remaining player.
A fundamental change to the victory conditions has been implemented here. The first person to occupy the central hex (F6) with their neutron will also win the game. |
Pikemen (ID: pikemen) |
20269 | Pikemen is an Icehouse game. Pieces are warriors with long spears known as “Pikes.” Each turn a Pikeman may charge in the direction he is pointing and then reorient his pike in a different direction, including straight up for defense. The player who captures a number of enemy Pikemen first wins.
This implementation also provides for longer games by allowing one to choose 15 and 20 point games. |
Pilare (ID: pilare) |
26987 | |
PODS (ID: pods) |
67275 | Pods is a two-player board game invented by Vincent Everaert in 2010 |
Pool Checkers (ID: checkers_pool) |
This version of checkers is native to the United States. This version uses an 8×8 checkerboard, and involves flying kings and unpromoted checkers that jump backwards. | |
Progressive Mancala (ID: progmancala) |
A Mancala variant by Ralf Gerring. | |
Pulling Strings (ID: pullingstrings) |
18284 | Pulling Strings is a simultaneous movement game for 2 players. It is played on a 5×5 grid and players manipulate ‘strings’ to shift stacks of game pieces. Win by being the first to shift at least 5 pieces on to any combination of your home spaces.
This implementation uses numbers as string labels instead of letters, simply because the web interface obviates the need for finger-spelling. |
Quadrature (ID: quadrature) |
6491 | This 2-player abstract is played on an 11×11 board. Attacks are initiated by ‘squaring’ your opponent, or in other words, forming a rectangle with 3 of your pieces and one of your opponent’s. Doing so converts the squared piece to your colour. You win by either converting all but two of your opponent’s checkers or by occupying the three centre squares on your opponent’s far row. This game won the Mensa Society’s “Mensa Select” award in 1993. |
Quartetto (ID: quartetto) |
35164 | |
Quax (ID: quax) |
36804 | |
Qyshinsu (ID: qyshinsu) |
36616 | Qyshinsu is played on a circular board. When you place or remove a stone from the board, your opponent must place or remove one of their stones (# of spaces – according to the value of the stone you placed or removed) away from your stone in either direction on the board – to the right or left of your stone. The three additional rules that govern this dynamic are known as the Precepts. Your intention in Qyshinsu is to “Return to the Way”. This occurs when your opponent is unable to place or remove a stone. |
Realm (ID: realm) |
3024 | Realm is a wonderful and unique two-person abstract strategy game. It involves capturing territory and blocking and immobilizing the other player’s pieces. New pieces are generated and added to the game as the game progresses, and strategy and objectives dramatically change through the course of the game. A few rules generate a game of great complexity and depth. |
Rekushu (ID: rekushu) |
39149 | |
Renju (ID: renju) |
11930 | Renju is a game in the 5 in a row family, with its own unique set of rules. |
Reversi (ID: reversi) |
2389 | This is the predecessor to Othello, with a slightly different set of rules. |
Rush (ID: rush) |
29796 | Rush is a territory game which is played with a Go set. Any size board with an odd number of rows and an odd number of columns can be substituted for the Go board. Play begins on an empty board, each player takes possession of a colour of stone, and places them on the board according to the rules until the board is full. The player with the most stones in the end wins. |
Russian Checkers (Shashki) (ID: shashki) |
57409 | |
SanQi (ID: sanqi) |
37001 | SanQi is played on an initially-empty hexagonal board. Both players share a pool of red, blue and yellow stones.
The first player wins if there is a complete circle of six stones of one color, regardless of the condition of its center cell, at the end of that player’s move. The second player wins if there is an orthogonal line of six or more stones of one color at the end of that player’s turn. Either player wins if there is a simple triangle of six stones of one color at the end their particular move. |
Scribe (ID: scribe) |
25865 | Scribe is a pen-and-paper game for 2 players created by Mark Steere. The board is comprised of 3 mini-grids which together form a larger super-grid. Players take turns claiming cells and thereby forming specific formations or “glyphs.” The player that claims the most mini-grids wins. Draws are not possible. |
Shakti (ID: shakti) |
42595 | |
Shatranj (ID: shatranj) |
26064 | Shatranj is the predecessor to Chess. |
Shintai (ID: shintai) |
41146 | |
Shogi (ID: shogi) |
2065 | Shogi is a native game of Japan and is in the same family of abstract strategy games as Chess and Xiangqi. Unique features of Shogi are: Drops, where captured enemy pieces are returned into play as friendly pieces and promotion of almost all friendly pieces, not just pawns, to upgraded pieces. |
Simultaneous Captain’s Mistress (ID: simfour) |
41491 | The objective of the game is to get four in a row, by players dropping checkers into a line. This game adds a unique twist by having both players select their moves simultaneously, then resolving. The end result of this change turns the game into more of a war of nerves, and gives it additional depth, even though it stops being a pure abstract strategy game in the process. |
SlimeTrail (ID: slimetrail) |
31467 | |
Slings & Stones (ID: slingsstones) |
21334 | Slings & Stones is a unique 2-player abstract played on a chessboard. Each player has 4 slings and 12 stones and tries to eliminate his opponent by hurling stones at opposing slings. |
SnailTrail (ID: snailtrail) |
37135 | |
Sophia (ID: sophia) |
The object of Sophia is to get 4 in a row of your own color, while you control a unique shape. When a piece is jumped over, it switches colors. | |
Speed (ID: speed) |
Speed is a two-player race game by Davide Casinelli, which was invented invented in 2008. | |
Splut! (ID: splut) |
64735 | Splut! is a 2-4 players abstract board game that was invented by Tommy De Coninck in 2009. |
Sprawl (ID: sprawl) |
19152 | Sprawl is a highly original game of strategy, resource management, planning, and diplomacy for three to eight players. This is another Icehouse/Invisible City game. Like Branches, Twigs, and Thorns, Sprawl is not designed for early withdrawl. Resigning will prematurely terminate the game. Enjoy! |
Square-Grid Hex (ID: slash) |
Slash is a connection game played on a Go board. Players try to connect opposite edges of the board but connections in the NW or SE directions do not count. | |
Squaredance (ID: square) |
27725 | This 2-player game uses a unique movement mechanic of pivots. The idea is to force your opponent into a position where they cannot move. |
Stavropol Bashni (ID: bashni_stav) |
Stavropol Bashni is a variant of the game Bashni, whose rules are almost the same as in Bashni. The only difference is that each player can choose between moving his own stacks or the stacks of his opponent. | |
Stavropol Checkers (ID: checkers_stav) |
62923 | |
Stlts (ID: stlts) |
16237 | |
Subdivision (ID: subdivision) |
31507 | You are a real estate developer competing with others to develop a new subdivision. Where you bUild is somewhat restricted and what gets built next to you affects your value. Bring down your competitors value while maximizing your own. |
Suicide Anglo-American Checkers (ID: checkers_eng_sui) |
This is the same as normal Anglo-American Checkers, except the object is to get all your pieces capture, rather than capture all your opponent’s pieces. | |
Suicide Bashni (ID: bashni_sui) |
This is the same as normal Bashni, except the object is to get all your pieces capture, rather than capture all your opponent’s pieces. | |
Suicide Russian Checkers (ID: shashki_sui) |
This is the same as normal Russian Checkers (Shashki), except the object is to get all your pieces capture, rather than capture all your opponent’s pieces. | |
Susan (ID: susan) |
26135 | |
Taacoca (ID: taacoca) |
Taacoca was invented by Víkingur Fjalar Eiríksson in 2009, and is a is a two-player game that is played on a hexagonal board. | |
Taiji (ID: taiji) |
31926 | |
Talpa (ID: talpa) |
80657 | Talpa is a two-player abstract board game invented by Arty Sandler in 2010. This game is a member of the connection game family, including such games as Hex, Crossway or Chain Lightning . |
Tanbo (ID: tanbo) |
6492 | Tanbo is a game of roots. Played on a standard Go board, players attempt to constrict and kill opposing roots by expanding their own. Only one player’s roots will survive. It should be noted that like BTT and Sprawl, an early resignation in the 4-player game will cause the game to be abandoned and left unrated. Please be courteous when joining such games, especially since Tanbo is a relatively lengthy game. |
Tavreli (ID: tavreli) |
62207 | This game also goes by the name “Russian Chess” and is combination of standard Chess and Bashni (Russian Checkers with piece stacking). |
Teeko (ID: teeko) |
9138 | |
Tether (ID: tether) |
I don’t find this game on any partner website. Should we delete it? | |
Three Musketeers (ID: threemusketeers) |
21861 | |
Toguz Kumalak (ID: toguzkumalak) |
39617 | |
Tonga (ID: tonga) |
13069 | Tonga was the second-place finisher in the 2004 Board/Card Games / Abstract Games Magazine Shared Pieces Game Design Competition.
It’s played on a 9×9 board, and players compete to build islands in their own color. The game stops when there is no room for a new piece. At this moment, each player totals the squares of his three biggest isles. The winner is the one with the highest total. |
Traffic Lights (ID: trafficlights) |
1893 | |
Transposition (ID: transposition) |
42321 | |
TriGo (ID: trigo) |
41147 | |
Triplet (ID: triplet) |
This looks like the game Set. I am not sure it is a fit for IAGO as an abstract strategy game. I don’t see it having much strategy. | |
Turkish Checkers (Dama) (ID: dama) |
26920 | |
TwixT (ID: twixt) |
949 | |
Unlur (ID: unlur) |
3826 | |
Ur (ID: ur) |
1602 | Ur (Royal Game of Ur) is one of the earliest games of history and possible predecessor to Backgammon. |
Virus Wars (ID: viruswars) |
68214 | Virus Wars is a two-player ancient board game that simulates an evolution of two colonies of viruses, which are growing and absorbing (zombifying) each other. The exact origin of the game is unknown but it was actively played as a paper-and-pencil game in Saint Petersburg State University in 80s.
Description is from the IG Game Center web page: |
Volcano (ID: volcano) |
13084 | Volcano is a clever, puzzle-style game in which players move “caps” around on top of a group of volcanoes, triggering eruptions which cause colored streams of lava to flow out across the playing field. The object of the game is to capture as many pieces as possible, with bonus points awarded for special combinations. Each player attempts to accumulate the highest score and then bring the game to a close before another player has a chance to steal the lead away. This implementation supports 2-10 players. |
Witch Stones (ID: witchstones) |
20517 | A 2-player abstract strategy game in the vein of Pente or Othello. Four types of stones are arrayed on a 9×9 board: earthstones, suns, moons, and crowns. One player plays the suns, and the other player plays the moons. Players take turns removing stones or groups of stones from the board. A player may make one of three moves: (a) removing one earthstone, (b) removing one of their own stones, or (c) removing all of the stones in an unbroken line between two empty board spaces. Players score based on the type of stone removed: 1 point for an earthstone, 2 points for an opposing player’s stone, and 5 points for a crown. The first player to reach 50 points wins. |
Wizard’s Garden (ID: wizardsgarden) |
13077 | Wizard’s Garden is another Tim Schutz game for 2 players. It is a reversi-style game where players have access to both colours of pieces and attempt to form 4 in a row. This is an elegant game with a pleasing theme. Come try out your green thumb! |
Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) (ID: xiangqi) |
2393 | Xiangqi originated in China, and commonly goes by the name “Chinese Chess” in English. It is in the same family as Chess and Shogi, which involves the capture or neutralizing of a King (or King-like piece). Unique features of Xiangqi include: a river in the middle of the board, restricting movement of a player’s general (like a King in Western Chess) to a small area on its side of a board, and a Cannon piece that uses a leaping move to capture enemy pieces. |
Y (The Game of Y) (ID: y) |
5242 | |
Yavalath (ID: yavalath) |
33767 | You win Yavalath by either getting 4 in a row, or forcing your opponent to get 3 in a row without getting 4 in a row. |
Zurero (ID: zurero) |
41145 | This is a game related to Gomoku. The twist it provides is that stones slide in from the outside of the board and need to make contact with a stone on the board. If a sliding stone hits a single stone on one side, with nothing behind it, the stone it hits will be pushed, and everything slides down a row. |